Friday, December 30, 2005

Cubanisms - Cuban sayings that are funny!

Bosguagon the Volkswagen Beetle
marque a supermarket
groceri grocery store or supermarket
Guendis Wendy's fast-food restaurant
Berguerquin Burger King
Macdonal McDonnald's
Pisa Ho Pizza Hut
Sebenileben 7-Eleven convenience store
guarejaus warehouse
pisicorre station wagon
paraguero inept motorist
saguecera Miami's southwest residential areas
jandi a parking space reserved for the handicapped
tique ticket
transporteichon barely adequate automobile
La Vaquita the closest Farm Stores to your house
dauntaun urban downtown area
llompear the act of connecting two vehicles' power sources
together with jumper cables in order to induce recharging of one of the vehicle's batteries
un su a legal suit
yin a pair of jeans
blumer women's underwear; panties
pantijo panty hose
tenis athletic shoes; sneakers
chor pair of shorts
yaqui a jacket or windbreaker
Guachinton Washington D.C.
Mallamibish Miami Beach
printear to print; use of a computer printer
faxear to fax
taipear to type
incontas Income Tax
bisne a business or business endeavor
escochteip Scotch Tape
liquiando a leak
efichiensi efficiency housing
Fa Fab laundry detergent
lonchando having lunch
cachú tomato ketchup
quaquer Quaker Oats brand cereal
quei a cake
pitipua green peas
jambergue a hamburger
beico bacon
shicle chewing gum
cuqui a cookie
jotdo a frankfurter
sanguishe a sandwich
estop stop sign
guau wow
un chou to make a scene in public
japiverdei a birthday
embarkation failure to adhere to a previous commitment or
flonquear to fail an examination or course
Tricotri Halloween
meri crisma merry christmas
japi nu yier happy new year


Blogger Crys Em said...

Thumbs up. This was awesome but you forgot "omaigá" for "oh my god".

You should post a series of Argentine dialogue. LOL

7:02 PM  
Blogger nicole said...

you should note that these are specifically "miami/americanized-cubans"

cause they definitely dont say some of those things in cuba ya know?

6:30 PM  

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